Saturday, March 12, 2016

Party Realignment and White Conciousness in 2016

"This year’s election may not realign the parties," says pundit John B. Judis in the WaPo,"but it could be one of Key’s 'critical' contests. Trump has disrupted the GOP coalition of downscale Reagan Democrats and the Republican business class. Similarly, Sanders’s support suggests a growing Democratic division over the party’s subservience to Wall Street and Silicon Valley on economic issues."

Yeah, well maybe so Mr. Judis, but the vagaries of democracy aside, the real news here is that a lot of American White people are gaining racial consciousness about 10-15 years sooner than the elites figured we would. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Cat Ladies and Autistes

"Small useless pets," says Chateau Heartiste,  "like indoor cats are child substitutes. There’s no flim-flamming away that obvious conclusion under a fog of try-hard White Knight rhetoric. The cat provides the single in the city cock carouseler the outlet for her maternal nurturing instinct (however weak) that a real child of her own can’t, because she hasn’t gotten pregnant in the fifteen years she’s been on the Pill." Ouch.

I am not a PUA or MGTOW sort myself, but I do read Heartiste regularly because of his brutally honest insights about the sexual landscape of modern society. The Right Stuff's website podcast The Daily Shoah has in turn a hilarious satire of CH called Chateau Autiste which lampoons CH and so what goes around comes around. I love both.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

In Re Ann Althouse the SWPL

I quit reading Ann Althouses's blog about a year ago because of the lameness of her SWPL bullshit, which while well researched and compelling at times, is still lefty SWPL bullshit after all. When I was setting up my new notebook PC last week I decided to give Althouse another look and saw that while she now moderates her commenters better (so that every post doesn't immediately devolve into a flame war), her writing is more obnoxiously SWPLy than ever.

'Yes," says Althouse, "I still read the NYT. Get over it, people. I read the NYT. I also read another thing a lot of you don't want me reading: The New Yorker." Yeah, okay, well I read the NYT and the New Yorker too, but with an eye toward doing opposition research or out of sheer boredom more than anything else. Before I took my hiatus from Althouse I already thought that she relied on the East Coast print media way too much for my comfort, but now she's kinda off the scale.

As well, one of her son's wants to increase the following for his blog and so she quotes him very liberally, and he seems to be a young lefty SWPL and so in doing so Althouse skews her writing to agree with him a lot, perhaps? I dunno I have never read his stuff except for what Althouse quotes in her blog, so that's just conjecture.

 I became acquainted with Althouse's blog way back in the day when the now defunct PC Magazine published a list of the 100 Best Blogs, blogs then being the big new thing in media, and I liked what she wrote both because of its cultural literacy and her bona fides as a University of Wisconsin law professor, her debut coming at a time when the Dan Rathers of this world dismissed bloggers as fat, basement-dwelling, losers in their pajamas whose writing was of no consequence. I hope junior gets his readership up so that Althouse can get her groove back, or failing that, I can go back to ignoring her.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Some Gun Nuttery on a snowy Winter Evening

I don't remember where I heard it but here's some advice on firearms for protecting home and hearth. It goes like this:

A .45 pistol under your pillow
and shotgun over the door.
A trusty rifle for long range,
you don't need anything more.

Broken down  the advice seems to be that a home should have a large caliber pistol or revolver in the bedroom, the final redoubt of a home that's under attack. Secondly, a shotgun by the door would be a long gun of impressive and deadly power handy at the typical focal point of a home invasion, namely the household's front door.  And lastly the "trusty rifle" is for whatever you may need it for. Like a well-placed powerful and accurate shot on a big feral dog, or a rabid skunk, or perhaps at a big meaty buck at 100 plus meters. All I would add to the list is a decent .22 rifle for whatever shooting requirement a person might have where a .308 or 30-06 would be too much, and a pistol or shotgun would be awkward. Just saying.

Maybe I'll make up some sort of Esty arts & craft project featuring that sage bit of advice. Might spread some wisdom and even make a few shekels.

This whole business with denouncing Trump

This whole business with denouncing Trump by the GOPers Romney and McCain. Fuck 'em. Either the Trump Insurgency will work and we'll get a wall and immigration enforcement again, or the GOPe will burn to the ground. Either outcome frankly would be fine.